Sunday, October 4, 2009

Books Better Than the Internet?

The Advantages of the Internet
  1. People can create specific questions through databases and websites to obtain information.
  2. Communication is faster and allows people to relay information easily.
  3. Faster sharing of information
  4. Magazines and newspapers are no longer need to be delivered to your door, articles can be found on the websites of these publications.
  5. Products and reviews can be studied online without having to go to a store to ask about specific products.
  6. Environmentally speaking, the internet saves millions of trees without having to print paper for books.
The Advantages of Books (and the disadvantages of the Internet)
  1. Parents complain about supervision when children use the internet. With books parents always know what their child will be discovering.
  2. Books can always be written better or be more entertaining, however, you never need to to buy a new processor, or better software to enjoy a good book.
  3. Many people argue that books have higher quality information than many websites.
  4. The internet cannot be accessed without a computer, while to enjoy a book, all you need is a book.
  5. When researching on the internet it is easier to become distracted from the topic at hand.